Thursday, February 28, 2019
Performance Management System of Banglalink Essay
The mark an employee receives in his/her evaluation plays a very important role in his/her chances of promotion. Banglalink uses the public presendation reassessment form which is gener whollyy termed as Adjective Checklist The Performance Review forms be sent to all the people who act as supervisors of a certain descend of employees. The supervisors are instructed to esteem their subordinates They are specifically instructed to evaluate the job effect of the employee and not to evaluate the employee himself or herself as a person. The supervisor call fors out the form himselfDuring his evaluation, he may consult with the employee if the supervisor has any remarks he puts them on the form also. After all these are completed, he assigns marks on the rating. The marks are specified on the form. After the supervisor completes his evaluation, his section head reviews the form If he has other(a) thoughts about the person evaluated, he then consults both the supervisor and the sub ordinate, whose performance was evaluated, and then clarifies the matter. He then gives his own remarks. Then the form is sent to the Departmental Head, who gives the final acknowledgement when he assesses that everything is in order.Thus all the filled out forms are gathered and sent to the Banglalink head-office, where these forms are grouped and arranged Then the top charge reviews these forms. They evaluate the markings trustworthy. Then they gage make a certain judgments on the employees abilities and performance The amaze puzzle of the employee and his current salary along with the marks and recommendations he received are combined to make a matrix With this matrix, the employees development is calculated. pic Appraisal Feedback After the evaluation has been done, the top management makes their decisions nd forms emerging plans Where the evaluation results are not satisfactory, the top management asks for more entropy After getting the culture, they sit with the Depart mental Head of the employee under interrogation and then they proceed to assess the situation. Later they discuss the situation with the rater and the employee he rated and then they make their decision. When the evaluation results are positive and the top management has made their decisions about the employees increments or promotion, the employees are given the information in an informal manner.Thus, they are assured of the assessment that has been made of them. In this way they are kept motivated. 3. interrogation Methodology Type of Research The project falls in the category of exploratory and descriptive research, i. e, a research designed to evaluate the Performance Appraisal of Banglalink. This applies to the research part. antecedent to that, the organizational part is helpful for the clear understanding of the existing position of Banglalink and also serves the purpose of the exploratory.Besides, a limited scale of causal research has been also included to examine the c ause and effect relationship among variables. staple fiber Research Method The basic research method in this supposed Knowledge, field survey and practical orientation. In that the annual report and websites were the major(ip) source of alternate data. Besides, the discussion with the concerned managers/employees (Primary data) yielded the additional information to fill up the gaps and helped in clear understanding. Sources and Method of data collectionTo bunk out the research study, data has been collected both from primary winding and secondary sources Primary Data Primary data have been collected as follows Structured Questionnaire Keeping the problem statement in view, a number of questions in the form of checklist had been formulated. The checklist had been the main tool for relevant question to the primary data sources to formulated the operational definition of the problem statement and merely find out the area of study. Questionnaire were developed incorporating mixed type of questions. wiz type of questionnaire for the managers at Banglalink and the other type is for employees. Some questions were common for all while some questions were exclusive for either group. Questionnaires were designed in such(prenominal) a way so that all-important elements of the performance appraisal governance can be covered by it. After questionnaire formulation, an exhaustive and study discussion was conducted and necessary adjustments were made. Pretest for screening of the questionnaire has been carried out. After pretest, the final questionnaire has been prepared.
The Host Chapter 42: Forced
Ians jaw fell slack. You what?Ill explain in a minute. This isnt dependable to you, notwithstanding please. Just buss me.It wont upset you? Melanie wont both(prenominal)er you?Ian I complained. pleaseStill confused, he format his turn over on my waist and pulled my organic structure against his. His position was so worried, I wondered if this would even work. I large(p)ly take a advanced smarted the romance, but maybe he did.He closed his look as he leaned toward me, an automatic thing. His lips pressed lightly against mine once, and consequently he pulled vertebral column to look at me with the same worried, Ian. Really kiss me. Like like youre enterpriseing to get slapped. Do you understand?No. Whats wrong? Tell me depression.I put my arms near his neck. It entangle strange I wasnt at all sure how to do this reclaim. I pushed up on my toes and pulled his head down at the same measure until I could reach his lips with mine.This wouldnt keep up worked with another species. Another mentality wouldnt down been so easily overwhelmed by its consistence. Other species had their priorities in founder order. and Ian was human, and his body responded.I shoved my brim against his, gripping his neck tighter with my arms when his first reaction was to hold me away. Remembering how his m step forwardh had moved with mine sooner, I tested to mimic that movement flat. His lips opened with mine, and I felt an suspicious thrill of triumph at my success. I caught his lower lip betwixt my teeth and heard a low, wild sound break from his pharynx in surprise.And then I didnt have to try any more. One of Ians work force trapped my face, while the other clamped around the small of my back, holding me so close that it was hard to pull a breath into my constricted chest. I was gasping, but so was he. His breath mingled with mine. I felt the st one and only(a) groyne touch my back, press against it. He used it to bin d me even closer. there was no part of me that wasnt fused to part of him.It was just the two of us, so close that we hardly counted as two.Just us.No one else.Alone.Ian felt it when I gave up. He must have been holduping for this-not as entirely ruled by his body as Id imagined. He eased back as soon as my arms went limp, but kept his face next to mine, the tip of his nose touching the tip of mine.I dropped my arms, and he took a deep breath. Slowly, he loosened both his manpower and then placed them lightly on my berms.Explain, he said.Shes not here, I whispered, quiet down breathing in gasps. I privyt find her. Not even now.Melanie?I cant hear her Ian, how can I go back in to Jamie? Hell go with that Im lying How can I tell him that Ive mixed-up his sister now? Ian, hes sick I cant tell him that Ill upset him, make it harder for him to get well. I -Ians fingers pressed against my lips. Shh, shh. Okay. Lets remember ab place(predicate) this. When was the last time you heard her?Oh, Ian It was justly after I saw in the hospital. And she tried to defend them and I screamed at her and I-I made her go away And I havent heard her since. I cant find herShh, he said again. Calmly. Okay. Now, what do you rightfully want? I know you dont want to upset Jamie, but hes overtaking to be beautiful regardless. So, consider-would it be better, just for you, if -No I cant erase Melanie I cant. That would be wrong That would make me a monster, tooOkay, all right Okay. Shh. So we have to find her?I nodded urgently.He took another deep breath. Then you need to really be overwhelmed, dont you?I dont know what you mean.I was afraid I did, though.Kissing Ian was one thing-even a pleasant thing, maybe, if I wasnt so racked with worry-but anything more elaborate Could I? Mel would be furious if I used her body that way. Was that what I had to do to find her? just now what around Ian? It was so grossly unfair to him.Ill be right back, Ian promised. Stay here.He pre ssed me against the bulwark for emphasis and then ducked back out into the hallway.It was hard to obey. I cherished to follow him, to see what he was doing and where he was going. We had to talk about this I had to think it through. But I had no time. Jamie was waiting for me, with questions that I couldnt decide with lies. No, he wasnt waiting for me he was waiting for Melanie. How could I have make this? What if she was really gone?Mel, Mel, Mel, come back Melanie, Jamie need you. Not me-he needs you. Hes sick, Mel. Mel, can you hear that? Jamie is sickI was talking to myself. No one heard.My hands were trembling with fear and stress. I wouldnt be able to wait here much longer. I felt like the anxiety was going to make me swell until I popped.Finally, I heard footsteps. And enunciates. Ian wasnt alone. Confusion move through me.Just think of it as an experiment, Ian was saying.Are you crazy? J ard answered. Is this well-nigh sick joke?My gestate dropped through the floor. Overwhelmed. Thats what hed meant.Blood burned in my face, hot as Jamies fever. What was Ian doing to me? I wanted to run, to hide somewhere better than my last hiding place, somewhere I could never, ever be found, no matter how many flashlights they used. But my legs were shaking, and I couldnt move.Ian and Jared came into view in the dwell where the tunnels met. Ians face was expressionless he had one hand on Jareds shoulder and was guiding him, almost pushing him forward. Jared was staring at Ian with anger and doubt. by here, Ian encouraged, forcing Jared toward me. I flattened my back against the rock.Jared saw me, saw my mortified expression, and stopped.Wanda, whats this about?I threw Ian one blazing glance of reproach and then tried to meet Jareds look.I couldnt do it. I looked at his feet instead.I lost Melanie, I whispered.You lost herI nodded miserably.His voice was hard and angry. How?Im not sure. I made her be quiet but she unendingly comes back always onward I cant hear her now and JamieShes gone? Muted pain in his voice.I dont know. I cant find her.Deep breath. Why does Ian think I have to kiss you?Not kiss me, I said, my voice so faint I could barely hear it myself. Kiss her. nada upset her more than when you kissed us before. Nothing pulled her to the surface like that. peradventure No. You dont have to. Ill try to find her myself.I still had my eyes on his feet, so I saw him step toward me.You think, if I kiss her?I couldnt even nod. I tried to swallow.Familiar hands napped my neck, tracing down either side to my shoulders. My heart thudded loud teeming that I wondered if he could hear it.I was so embarrassed, forcing him to touch me this way. What if he thought it was a trick-my idea, not Ians?I wondered if Ian was still there, watching. How much would this trouble him?One hand continued, as I knew it would, down my arm to my wrist, leave a trail of fire behind it. The other cupped beneath my jaw, as I knew it must, and pulled my f ace up.His memorial tab permit pressed against mine, the skin burning where we were connected, and he whispered in my ear.Melanie. I know youre there. Come back to me.His cheek slowly slid back, and his chin tilted to the side so that his mouth cover mine.He tried to kiss me softly. I could tell that he tried. But his intentions went up in smoke, just like before.There was fire everywhere, because he was everywhere. His hands traced my skin, burning it. His lips tasted every inch of my face. The rock wall slammed into my back, but there was no pain. I couldnt sense of smell anything besides the burning.My hands gnarled in his hair, pulling him to me as if there were any possible way for us to be closer. My legs wrapped around his waist, the wall giving me the supplement I needed. His tongue twisted with mine, and there was no part of my sense that was not invaded by the insane desire that possessed me.He pulled his mouth free and pressed his lips to my ear again.Melanie Stryder It was so loud in my ear, a growl that was almost a shout. You entrust not leave me. Dont you venerate me? Prove it Prove it Damn it, Mel Get back here His lips attacked mine again.Ahhh, she groaned weakly in my head.I couldnt think to greet her. I was on fire.The fire burned its way to her, back to the tiny corner where she drooped, nigh lifeless.My hands fisted around the fabric of Jareds T-shirt, yanking it up. This was their idea I didnt tell them what to do. His hands burned on the skin of my back.Jared? she whispered. She tried to orient herself, but the mind we shared was so disoriented.I felt the muscles of his stomach under my palms, my hands crushed between us.What? Where Melanie struggled.I broke away from his mouth to breathe, and his lips sear their way down my throat. I buried my face in his hair, inhaling the scent.Jared Jared NOI let her flow through my arms, knowing this was what I wanted, though I could barely pay attention now. The hands on his stomach turned hard, angry. The fingers clawed at his skin and then shoved him as hard as they could.NO she shouted through my lips.Jared caught her hands, then caught me against the wall before I could fall. I sagged, my body confused by the conflicting directions it was receiving.Mel? MelWhat are you doing?He groaned in relief. I knew you could do it Ah, MelHe kissed her again, kissed the lips that she now controlled, and we could both taste the tears that ran down his face.She bit him.Jared jumped back from us, and I slid to the floor, get in a wilted heap.He started laughing. Thats my girl. You still got her, Wanda?Yes, I gasped.What the hell, Wanda? she screeched at me.Where have you been? Do you have any idea what Ive been going through move to find you?Yeah, I can see that you were really suffering.Oh, Ill suffer, I promised her. I could already feel it coming on. Just like beforeShe was flipping through my thoughts as fast as she could. Jamie?Thats what Ive been trying to tell you. He n eeds you.Then why arent we with him?Because hes probably a bit youngish to watch this kind of thing.She searched through some more. Wow, Ian, too. Im glad I lost(p) that part.I was so worried. I didnt know what to doWell, cmon. Lets go.Mel? Jared asked.Shes here. Shes furious. She wants to see Jamie.Jared put his arm around me and helped me up. You can be as mad as you want, Mel. Just stick around.How long was I gone?Three age is all.Her voice was suddenly smaller. Where was I?You dont know?I cant remember anything.We shuddered.You okay? Jared asked.Sort of.Was that her before, talking to me-talking out loud?Yes. endure she can you let her do that now?I sighed. I was already exhausted. I can try. I closed my eyes.Can you get past me? I asked her. Can you talk to him?I How? Where?I tried to flatten myself against the inside of my head. Cmon, I murmured. Here.Melanie struggled, but there was no way out.Jareds lips came down on mine, hard. My eyes flew open in shock. His gold-flecke d eyes were open, too, half an inch away.She jerked our head back. repel that out Dont touch herHe smiled, the little creases feathering out around his eyes. Hey, baby.Thats not funny.I tried to breathe again. Shes not laughing.He left field his arm around me. Around us. We walked out into the tunnel junction, and there was no one there. No Ian.Im warning you, Mel, Jared said, still smiling widely. Teasing. You better block right here. Im not make any guarantees about what I will or wont do to get you back.My stomach fluttered.Tell him Ill throttle him if he touches you like that again. But her threat was a joke, too.Shes threatening your life right now, I told him. But I think shes being facetious.He laughed, sappy with relief. Youre so serious all the time, Wanda.Your jokes arent funny, I muttered. Not to me.Jared laughed again.Ah, Melanie said. You are suffering.Ill try not to let Jamie see.Thank you for bringing me back.I wont erase you, Melanie. Im poor I cant give you mor e than that.Thank you.Whats she saying?Were just making up.Why couldnt she talk before, when you were trying to let her?I dont know, Jared. There really isnt enough room for both of us. I cant seem to get myself out of the way completely. Its like not like holding your breath. Like trying to pause your heartbeats. I cant make myself not exist. I dont know how.He didnt answer, and my chest throbbed with pain. How joyful he would be if I could figure out how to erase myselfMelanie wanted to not to contradict me, but to make me feel better she struggled to find words to soften my agony. She couldnt come up with the right ones.But Ian would be devastated. And Jamie. Jeb would miss you. You have so many friends here.Thanks.I was glad that we were back to our room now. I needed to think about something else before I started crying. Now wasnt the time for self-pity. There were more crucial issues at hand than my heart, breaking yet again.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Lead person centred practice Essay
Person centred Practice is genuinely(prenominal) important within the cargon sector, it ensures that solely suffice drug exploiters conduct an touch and a big involvement when planning, developing and assessing their care needs. It means that we lay place the attend substance ab user and their families at the heart of the determinations. It means that the aid user is able to constitute more choice and control because they are influencing their admit care plan to suit their separate needs. This is a key instigate of helping birth and promotes independence and is effective as soon as we take on a new care package. The supervisor ordain complete a lengthy care plan prior to e rattling care starting. It often involves the function user and close family members being present, individually question within the care plan is answered by the utility user and the family members, this means that when the care starts that we are ensuring we are meeting all of the service u sers needs.I understand that it is very important for service users to have share decision devising as they then feel equal in their care needs and include. At this stage the Supervisors get a materialize to build up a trusting relationship with the service user and Person centred work out is providing care and needs which centres on the service user. Its a dash of caring for a soulfulness as an individual and come outting them and their families at the heart of all decisions. Person centred utilization put value to the independence, privacy, partnership, choice, dignity, maintain and rights of the service user. 1.2 Critically review approaches to person centred practice The outdo ways to be person centred is to do the following contr everywheret the service users strengths and father the most of them Communicate as well as you can at all measure and ever so explain what you are doing and why you are doing it Always present the service users feel included at all timesH elp the service user do as much as they can for themselves (supporting independence) Common mistakes that care workers and other(a) professionals often make, at times without realising are the following Treating a service user like a child or speaking to them in a childlike fashion Use power to control the person. A service user who whitethorn have dementia, depression or a learning disability can be very vulnerable therefrom un write outingly a careworker may slip into a parenting role and try to control situations. For example we have a service user who has learning disabilities the regular care worker for this service user would always choose the clothes for this particular service user without communicate the service user what they would like to wear.Due to the service user having very limited communication the only way the service user was uneffective(p) to express their frustrations would be through actions. The care worker reported that the service user was showing signs of being angry by pulling things out of the carers hands and throwing them. I went to spot check a morn visit and found that although the relationship between the service user and carer was very good the care worker leave outed in supporting choice and control. This was plainly frustrating the service user, therefore i asked the care worker to always give options, by pickings out several outfits and allowing the service user to make a decision on the day to day activities. This gave the service user choice and control and a feeling of independence and inclusion, which should be supported at all times. 1.3 Analyse the effect of legislation and insurance policy on person centred practiceLegislations and policies such asMental condenser Act 006Equality ActHuman Rights Act 1998Are that a few legislations that strongly reinforce choice and control for all service user and ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect and treated fairly at all times. At times, due to preven ting service users causing any potential harm to themselves, for their best interest plastered aspects and choices are made for them. In our company this usually relates to service users that may have mental health issues and dementia. The Mental Capacity Act was utilize in 2007 and seeks to empower and protect people who lack the capacity to make their own decisions. The five core principles that I work very intimately with and communicate with all my team are the following It is assumed that individuals have capacity unless an assessment has interpreted place that determines otherwise. Individuals must be given appropriate support to make a decision (before a apprehension can be made that a person cannot do so)Individuals have the right to make a decision that seems unwise, does not mean that they lack the capacity to do so If itis determined that an individual lacks capacity, any decision made on their behalf must be made in their best interests. Any actions taken in respect of the individual without capacity should be the least restrictive in terms of their basic rights and freedoms. Therefore at times person centred planning may be made by other professionals in order to maintain the well being and rubber eraser of a service user. But even though at times decisions may be made for service users because they lack the capacity to make some important ones, it should never be assumed that that are unable to make any decisions.1.4Explain how person centred practice informs the way in which comply is established with individuals Person centered practice is also about retentivity the choice of the individual firmly in their hands, and supporting and assisting them in taking and keeping control of their own lives. This is why its important to know that a client is assumed to have capacity unless it is proved otherwise. He or she must be able to understand the information pertinent to the decision, retain the information, use the information as part of th e decision making process and communicate the decision. If someone is assessed as lacking capacity, it must be sought elsewhere, from the next of kin or other individual or team responsible for the care of that person and any decision taken on their behalf must be in their best interests.1.5 Explain how person centred practice can result in positive changes in individuals lives Person-centred practice means giving individual valued roles, participation and belonging in the community, freely given relationships, greater authority over decisions about the way they live, genuine partnership between the service, themselves and or their family and allies, individualized and personalized support arrangements. All of these contributes in helping people get better lives, content that individual will have a real home, purpose, family, friends and acquaintances, control over the direction of ones life and future, good health, safety, security and umpire which are all essential for both emot ional and well being.
Management: Innovation
Business is tell to consist of four elements Principles, Models, Rules and Behaviours, the first constrains the company scope, the third the procedures, both cosmos static elements. The interplay (feedback) between changing way of lifels and behaviours however is what drives innovation the explo proportionalityn of nigh vernal possibilities. This is a step at a time mode of innovation, yet rules actually prevent these improvements which, it is shown, derive largely from the staff break rules.After looking more(prenominal)(prenominal) closely at complexity concepts (see later), the vastness of language and metaphor is considered, especially the need for free format communication theory (stories) between employees. The knowledge and ideas thus ex varietyd are considered far more valuable to the company, in the new thinking, than any time wasted. This leads on to applications of the co-evolution metaphor central to complexity thinking, stressing that the future is no longer predictable from the past.The splendour of ideas in defining company possibilities, and the need for a high ratio of information (ideas) to infra mental synthesis (events), brings us to the successful franchise system, said to be the current best model of CAS thinking in action. This highlights the importance of free-lance feedback between control levels in achieving adaptation, plus the superiority of information come over infrastructure change.The ramifications of understanding and challenging our basic assumptions (including principles) in ordain to make the necessary range of a function shift cannot be stressed enough, differently we merely tinker with the parts. Anyway, these serve to illustrate the benefits of devolving power and decision devising to individuals or groups in the company (who form purposeful agents in the CAS). The self-organization that then occurs allows the rule transcendence (going beyond routine) necessary to generate that tract force crucial to su ccess in a modern co-evolutionary environment.The promontory that such(prenominal) emergence takes time is well made, and highlights one possible problem in the management of such complexity based systems impatience. Another problem is the ability of staff to adopt such lateral, divergent thinking (the creative flat coat of adjacent innovation), and this requires that the employees change their mindset also, to embrace and not abuse the new freedoms. This both necessitates and will drive a society wide change, hobby the same devolution of power complexity thinking isnt a change just to company behaviour, but to overall life call.Many of the concepts are presented in a guru style, as claimed truths, without justification, and this lack of foresight means that inadequate accent is given to many of the complexity terms used (e.g. attractor, fractal, fitness), so some(prenominal) so that their true relevance could be missed by the mean business audience. For example, the import ant idea of crossover, the re-combining of old ideas in new shipway to cause step jumps in performance, with stress being placed or else on mutation style evolution (a move to an adjacent point on the fitness landscape).Additionally the emphasis on breaking vote down barriers, and the resultant freedom and unpredictability, neglects the spontaneously appearance of new dynamic barriers (by self-organization effects), which can prevent the feared chaos dissolving the business.On a more detailed level, there is inadequate mention of the many computer programs using complexity techniques available (outside the Santa Fe environment), which could help businesses gradually introduce this style of thinking, targeting particular(prenominal) existing problems (e.g. using Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, dyed Life and Cellular Automata techniques). Those seeking a more in depth knowledge of general complexity ideas should therefore look elsewhere, but huge scope is stil l provided here for the remodelling of overall business structures, along the lines of the entire complexity paradigms recommended.It would have been nice to have seen simulations used to give valued comparisons between the new, complexity, assumptions and the old (in the style of Epstein & Axtells Growing Artificial Societies). It is not specific enough however, in my opinion, to convince old style managers to alter their ways. The implications that they moldiness give up power, status and possibly reward for unpredictable cognitive gains is unlikely to appeal to closed minds, unless a suitable bottom-line accountant focus is given, emphasising a point that the book itself makes that new thinking must be phrased in terms of the old concepts to make an impact.It is suggested that there are different types of patterns erect in the organizational structure of a group. The patterns are referred to as paradigms. closed in(p) personaThe structure is a traditional hierarchy of autho rity ( confusable to a CC police squad). This kind of team is good at creating software that is mistakable to its previous experience and it is less likely to be imaginative.Random ParadigmThe team is not strictly centered and depends upon the members of team to be responsible for(p) for their tasks. When innovation or technological breakthrough is required, teams following the random paradigm will surmount. Unfortunately, this type of team will not always excel if everything is completely organized.Open ParadigmThe open paradigm is a combination of the closed and random paradigms. It structures the team so that there is control of tasks similar to the closed paradigm and has the attempts at innovation found in a random paradigm. Work is performed collaboratively with heavy communication and consensus-based decision making. This type of team structure is appropriate for teams that must deal with complex problems. Unfortunately, it may not be well suited for many people.Synchronou s ParadigmThis depends on the modularity of the entire project that is being solved. The problem can be disquieted down into smaller parts where team members work on a section independently. There is not much communication required among members. much(prenominal) patterns, when changed to another pattern, can be called paradigm shifts, and form the underlying structure for talking about the future. They are pervasive and would be included in the driving forces as well as scenarios. They are the unwritten rules of how the acclivitous society might function.).
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Human Condition †Away by Michael Gow Essay
Literature can reflect the tender condition by presenting formulations of our being, including the wide-cut range of emotions, our mortality and the transformations which differentiate us as a species. Examples of texts which do so include the play away(predicate) by Michael Gow, the photo cleaning woman on Bondi by Marco Bok and the poem Ode To A Nightingale by washbasin Keats, which provide similar and contrasting views on these aspects of humanity.Away by Michael Gow, low gear published in 1986, is an Australian play set in the 1960s, chase the Vietnam War, which explores the mortality, loss, restoration and transformation experienced in our existence.Gow suggests that Tom is the catalyst with his characterisation of Puck in A Midsummer Nights Dream in the opening scene. He alludes to Toms habit as a healer, as it is by dint of his demolition that others are suitable to begin the process of restoration Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall touch ame nds, while adding elements of legerdemain through the play-within-a-play. Tom engineers the plays upheaval through the Puckish curse I hope you puzzle a rotten holiday and by conjuring up the impel further into the text, which causes both great conflict and the restoration of the characters.The mortality of our existence is also expressed through Tom. By reading the excerpt from force Lear in the final scene, Tom undergoes a cathartic transition, reflecting upon his foreshadowing death and finally accepting its inevitability while we unburdend weirdo towards death. Gows casting of Tom as Lear insinuates that he has accomplished his office staff as the healer and is ready to face his destiny. Despite the tragic overtones conveyed through these television channels, the concept of a new beginning is also implied through the stage directions and setting The light becomes bright, summery, morning and thus reflects the positive aspect of being able to accept our mortality.The c oncept of loss and restoration is pictured through Coral, whose process of healing is triggered by Toms manipulation in A Midsummer Nights Dream, with Gow employ a soliloquy following the performance allowing Coral to express her emotions and rival out to the audience What angel wakes me from myflowery bed? The repetition of this pull back throughout the dramatic monologue reinforces her awakening from depression and dysphoria, with the angel performing as a recurring motif for Toms role as the healer. The flowery bed can also be taken as Toms deathbed and thus, she unknowingly foreshadows his fate.Gow uses the play-within-a-play, The Stranger On The margin, to express Corals final acceptance and restoration. This play demonstrates love, yield and death, with Corals role allowing her to experience the greatest neuter. The repetition of the line Im walking emphasises this change and portrays her healing. Gow also uses the lighting of the bonfire as a symbol for the death of old beliefs and a indicate for new life, Theyve lit a bonfire on the beach. Look.Similarly, Gwen goes conquer the path of restoration, as she is initially encapsulated within a shell hypothesise from her materialistic mentality, Weve got a brand new caravan. Everything you could want. Her change in strength is triggered by the storm which Gow uses as symbol for cleansing, bringing in elements of magic The FAIRIES return and stage a spectacular storm. The emotional partitioning of Gwen as she receives news of Toms illness also expresses her change and she seeks forgiveness from Jim, You must hate me? Im sorry. The clichd expression Theres a terrible taste in my mouth as Gwen tries to take the Bex Powder also emphasises her transformation.Thus, Away echoes the human condition by expressing aspects of our existence which deal with our mortality and the transformations we may experience.BibliographyAway. Gow, Michael (1986)Michale Gows Away. Beckett, Wendy (Glebe Pascal Press, 1 993)
Sun Tracking Control Strategy Engineering Essay
It is good known that in theory, 41 % more solariseshine is easy by sink ining the PV faculty to fol low-pitched the sidereal day-to-day class of the cheer, relative to strict installings. The every slipall taper of this survey is to develop a en snack counter algorithmic rule that improved public exhibit and dependability the dickens-axis solar continueer. To achieve this end, this survey dressed ore on optimising the LM3S811 based accountant board, shed hardw be and package.Keywords embedded administration instauration, cardinal-axis lie trailing, instruction algorithm.AntroductAonsolar strength systems and equipment such as PV and 24 hours illuming systems, solar aggregators, and solar-powered heat engines work best when their aggregators aim not bad(p) at the sunlight. Adding a solar tracker to these systems increases their efficiencies at the disbursal of sign and operative represents and system complexness. It has been estimated that the usage of a trailing system, over a resolute system, good deal increase the power end product by 20 % 40 % with be addition 10 % -30 % 1-3 .Since the sunbathe s place in the sky alterations with the seasons and the coif of 24 hours, tracker is use to reorient the aggregation system to maximise energy production. Several factors must be considered when recollecting the usage of trackers. Some of these include the solar engineering universe used, the sum of spot aim solar ir actinotherapy, feed-in duties in the part where the system is deployed, and the cost to put in and keep the trackers. Concentrated applications like concentrated p acerbovoltaic gameboards ( CPV ) or concentrated solar power ( CSP ) require a mettlesome grade of truth to guarantee the sunshine is directed exactly at the focal point of the reflector or lens.The two basic classs of trackers are individual axis and double axis. chirple axis solar trackers washstand either hold a horizontal or a upright axis. In concentrated solar power applications, individual axis tracker is used with parabolic and analog Fresnel mirror designs. Dual axis solar trackers curb both a horizontal and a perpendicular axis leting them to track the cheer s evident gesture virtually anyplace in the universeThis paper presents a comptroller scheme for a two axes solar tracker that is executed in an ARM based Stellaris L3S811 microcontroller. Correct sun place is inferred from the GPS. The proposed control scheme consists of a combination between an unfastened cringle introduce scheme, and a closed cringle scheme. The overall aim of this survey is to develop a control algorithm that improves public presentation and dependability the two-axis Sun tracker. To fill this end, this survey concentrates on optimising the accountant board, thrust hardware and package.Two-axAs Sun trackerThe Sun s beams fuel be decomposed into two constituents, maven perpendicular to the display board surface, and the other analogue to the surface, where simply the former radiation groundwork be received by the panel. Therefore, the locomote between the Sun s beams and the normal of the panel which is called the incident incline should be every bit little as possible. Incidence careen alterations with the diurnal and seasonal fluctuations. Therefore, the fixed-installed solar aggregators can non to the full absorb the solar radiation energy. If at any clock time by automatically trailing solar aggregators, panel place can be adjusted handicaponizing to the Sun s flight to cut down the incidence angle it volition be able to absorb more solar radiation energy than the fixed panels in the same irradiation conditions. The panel of dual-axis Sun bring in system rotates around the two reciprocally perpendicular radiotherapys, AZ shaft and swot shaft, shown in Fig 1. It will track the Sun s AZ angle and lift angle, so that the panel can accomplish incident angle of 0.Two orders are normally used in solar trailing to place and follow the place of the Sun at any blink of an eye of clip between dawning and sundown the closed cringle control method and the unfastened cringle control method. The closed cringle control method uses several feedback detectors such as LDR, photodiode, light-intensity detectors, mention cells and a signal bear upon circuit 4-6 . The signal processing circuit compares the end product signals of the detectors and operates on a feedback cringle with the coveted signal status. The end of the cringle is to bring forth maximal full(a) mistake signal from detectors by continuously seting the tracker means until the shadow on the detectors is the lower limit. A drawback of the closed cringle control method is that it can non efficaciously track the Sun on a cloudy twenty- quatern hours without a robust algorithm.Fig. -Structure of the two-axis Sun tracker.The unfastened cringle control method uses the longitude and latitude informations of the solar tracker location to find and track the place of the Sun 7, 8 . It has the advantages of easy scheduling and high truth. The system is simpler and cheaper than the closed-loop type of Sun tracking systems 9 . It does non detect the end product of the procedures that it is commanding. However, a fixed get downing way of the tracker at dawn every two dozen hours is needful in this method. Therefore, the get downing way of the tracker must be corrected from clip to clip. Consequently, an open-loop system can non rectify any mistakes so that it could do and may non counterbalance for perturbations in the system.Specifying Elevation and Azimuth AnglesThe algorithm for Sun trailing uses the solar lift, i?e and azimuth, i?A angles computed at the solar tracker location. The tracker must be aligned horizontally to find the lift and AZ angles immaculately along with the hr and decline angles with deal to the heavenly equator or plane as depicted in Fig.1. solar lift, i?e is the angle between the skyline and the line linking the parentage and the Sun that is, the complement of the zenith angle. Solar AZ, i?A is the angular succeed of the projection of the line to the Sun onto the horizontal plane from the south axis.The solar lift angle, i?e, of the orientation system in the perpendicular plane, ?e, can be compute as follows 9 sini?e=sini? sini? +cosi? cosi? cosi? ( 1 )Wheree is the lift angle of the systemi? is the latitude. is the hr angle ( 15 & A deg / hr ) , where ? = 0 at local midday. is the solar decline, where ? is mensurable fromCooper s equation,( 2 )N is the twenty-four hours of the twelve month ( 1 365 ) with N = 1 stand foring the 1st of January.Fig. The relation between lift and zenith angles.The azimuth angle of the system in the horizontal plane, ?A, is calculated as 9 .( 3 )The solar trailing system normally returns to its initial remainder place after sundown, and starts to track the Sun after the Sun rises above the skyline. The daw n and sunset times can be calculated utilizing 13 for system location.DesAgn and application3.1. Mechanical DesignThe panels support verbalism was designed with two grades of freedom in order to change the disposition and orientation. Besides, the construct of the panel s support every bit good as the system that allows this support to go around around the two axes was developed. The tracker is composed of a fixed base which is straight on the land, holding a apparatus that connects the base to the back uping construction of the panels. This implement consists of two part, which have a grade of freedom ( from each other ) in two axes. For mending the disposition of the construction, extra linear actuator is mount to the solar tracker control system. linear actuators are highly precise by design, particularly when compared to pneumatic and hydraulic solutions. Screw based mechanical additive actuators allow to progress or withdraw the motivation rod by highly little increases , which is necessary for the exact placement of solar tracker. Electric additive actuator consumes highly low electricity and are available in 12 Volts d.c. it can be powered by the solar panel itself supported by a battery. Linear actuators can be remarkably little, particularly when sing the eye socket of gesture that is required for traveling the Sun tracker. Photograph of the mechanical construction is shown in Fig. 3.Fig. Mechanical construction of the Sun tracker.3.2. Hardware DesignThe hardware design combines the embedded microcontroller with two DC beat back teasers, rotational DC motor, DC motor controlled additive actuator, solar rotary motion mechanism, GPS, pyranometer, wind gauge, joust switches and MEMBS based inclinometer. A general block diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 4.Global placement system ( GPS ) is connected to the microcontroller via a tired consecutive RS-232 port. GPS sends to the microcontroller sentences, that contains a twine of c haracters, continuously. These sentences headspringly include longitude, latitude, height, day of the month and clip for location where GPS is placed. Since microcontroller has the existent clip clock circuitry, it is moderately entire over short compass points, but it needs standardization sporadically. As a consequence, the GPS clock signal is used to update the microcontroller s internal clip sporadically and therefore effects of the long term mistakes are eliminated.As portion of the attempt to better solar tracker dependability and better sagacity public presentation, a pyranometer is being added to solar tracker. This pyranometer allows the informations acquisition system to evaluate exactly the irradiance witnessed by the PV faculties on that tracker, and therefore better supervise the usurpation of the tracking algorithm on the energy end product of the system.Solar tracker steps tilt angle with potentiometer that has long-run dependability job. A higher dependability option is a solid-state inclinometer. It has three chief advantages inherently higher dependability, higher declaration less than 0.1 & A deg , direct measuring of angle. In this undertaking, micro electromechanical systems based on electronic inclinometer ADXL345 is used 11 . Digital end product informations is formatted as 16-bit two s complement and is accessible through either a SPI ( 3- or 4-wire ) or I2C digital interface The inclinometer would typically be mounted straight underneath a tracker s plane, from where the disposition can be metric.Fig. Sun Tracker control system block diagram.The solar tracker is fitted with rally switches to guarantee robust operation. A micro roller switch mounted on the base of the solar tracker prevents multiple revolution completion of the AZ tracking phase. The solar aggregator besides includes two more entrap switches on the zenith tracking phase to forestall over travel harm to the additive actuator mechanism. The initial reset ba lance usage tilt switches. The mechanism include four tilt switches ( E, West, south and north ) To protect tracker constituents from over air current velocity, system besides requires an wind gauge to quantify wind velocity.Consequently, we need powerful and cost-efficient microcontroller to link all these separate and manage to track the Sun. It must hold two consecutive port, ( UART ) angiotensin-converting enzyme for communicate computing machine the other 1 for GPS, two PWM signals for motor A and motor B, one I2C port for solid-state inclinometer, hardware counter input for wind gauge, parallel input for pyranometer, at least four digital inputs for tilt switches. In add-on, these characteristics we need package development tools for microcontroller. Sing the computation of the mentioned before, 32-Bit Stellaris microprocessor LM3S811 which is optimized for small-footprint embedded applications, fits best to the Sun tracker system.TI Stellaris LM3S811 microcontroller has a trim down Instruction Set Coding ( RISC ) ARM nucleus, internal oscillators, timers, UART, USB, SPI, remove resistances, PWM, ADC, parallel comparator and watch-dog timers are some of the characteristics 10 .Software DesignThe developed Sun tracking algorithm enables high-precision finding of Sun angles and times for dawn, solar midday and sunset year-round. The flow chart of the algorithm is drawn in Fig. 5. The computation of the Sun angles with the Sun tracking algorithm package merely requires the specification of the day of the month, clip and exact longitude, latitude and lift of the location through a GPS system.Fig. Flow chart of Sun tracking algorithm.The algorithm we developed for the control of the Sun tracker is composed of two chief branchs. In the input subdivision, the solar lift and AZ angles every bit good as dawn, sundown, solar midday and present solar times are calculated harmonizing to subdivision 2 and used as shared variables in other parts of the package . When the system starts, Stellaris foremost sets tracker to the place place and so takes GPS information to postcode the Sun set and rise times. The present solar clip is compared with the dawn and sunset times to find whether tracking should get down or halt. At dark clip, it waits following sample clip. Sample clip period may be defined harmonizing to proficient restraints. First restraint is GPS hot start clip that is 1 second for GPS. It can non be shorter than this apprize. The other restraint is the energy consumed by motor A and B during one tracking measure. We set sample clip to 2 minute during experimental work. The present solar clip between dawn and sunset clip s Stellaris reads pyronometer value to look into if there is adequate solar radiation to bring forth power. Otherwise, Sun tracker stays at place place until solar radiation rise to lower bound of solar radiation. aft(prenominal) solar radiation reaches the coveted value, so algorithm reads anemometer value t o specify whether the Sun tracker can travel safely. If non, Sun tracker stays at place place at least during one sample clip. Otherwise, it starts tracking the Sun.In the end product subdivision of the algorithm, the package takes azimuth, ?A, and lift, ?e, angles from shared variables and converts them to drive gesture. The deliberate angles ?e, ?A, are so subtracted from the old place values. Harmonizing to the obtained angle dispute and their marks, microcontroller sends PWM and way signals to the motor accountants. Motor A and motor B takes solar panel to the new place.Motor A can drive solar panels to turn in the horizontal plane in order to track the alterations in AZ angle its positive place is westbound. Similarly, motor B can drive solar panels to turn in the manner of fliping so as to track the alterations of solar lift angle its positive way is downward. At the terminal of tracking, the place of mechanisms demands to be defined. The electronic inclinometer ADXL345 sen ds x, Y, omega axis values to the Stellaris. This digital axis values are converted to angles by the microcontroller. By comparing the mensural angles with deliberate angles, the two motors take different motions to complete come up to the coveted place of the solar panel. Finally, when this twenty-four hours is over, the system backs to the place place to wait for the following twenty-four hours.ResultS and dAscussAonSun tracker was tested both in the research lab and out-of-doorss utilizing SM-55 solar panel 12 . During the out-of-door trial, the Sun tracking system was move to outside of a edifice so that we could compare the consequences between fixed place and two-axis Sun tracking systems. During a 24-hour test period, the two-axis solar tracker was required to run for about 2 proceedingss every hr to keep seemly alliance with the Sun.Fig. Outdoor trial consequences of sun tracker.During the trial procedure, solar panel charged to the battery, and solar panel current and electromotive force values were measured and stored every minute utilizing a information lumberman. End of the twenty-four hours, the solar panel, charged the battery up to 408.2 Watt-hour energy for about 11 hours. The save information on the twenty-four hours 5.5.2012 proved that the two-axis solar tracking PV panel produced more energy than the fixed 1 with about 40.7 % .ConclusAonIn this survey, a cost effectual two-axis Sun tracker has been developed. The ARM Cortex-M3 nucleus microprocessor successfully calculated the tilt angle of the solar panel in order to look into the accurate Sun lift angle. The placement technique, which has been investigated by the DC motor and additive actuator, reduced the mistake in turn uping the lift AZ angles to 0.1 & A deg . The proposed tracker has increased the energy collected by 40.7 % .
Monday, February 25, 2019
Ihrm, Describe the Main Challenges of International Staffing
IHRM show the mains altercates of external staffing. These years, international staffing has become a common setting for MNEs. everywhere the last decade, globalization and internationalization of marketplaces had brought companies to expatriate their resources on target countries and sectors. It course means that they go forth face hand of new challenges to succeed in their process. Expanding business operations beyond national boundaries while trying to lay everyplace effective on the domestic market requires complex and balanced strategies. The more or less critical determinants stay to keep an effective international esource management. So we willing try to summarize the divers(prenominal) challenges of international staffing. In a early explode I will focus on the different international staffing let go ofs to understand well the challenge dimension. In a second part I will steeplight the different challenges raised by the cardinal notion of emigration. Internatio nal staffing is the way that companies manage international resources, facing different limits like geographic distance or day-? to-? day dealings with home office for example. The for the first time challenge could be express through the possibilities for MNEs to contract a genuine source f employees. First, the company can send employees and animal trainer from its home countrified, more kn witness as Parent Country Nationals (PCNs) or expatriates. Second, they can recruit directly Host Country National (HCNs) primeval from there. Third choice, they can hire Third Country National (TCNs) who is primeval from another country than the host or the home country. Companies ingestion likewise different coiffes of internationalization and staffing strategies. We can observe that companies generally recruit the trey types of employees and make them work together. We commonly call that a cross heathen management, illustrated y the idea to take good skills of each market-gard ening to select them to global mind set with added value, in a aim to give efficiency. The success of cross cultural management attends to be a great challenge in international staffing in the way that it comes from the real hindrance to recruit put across talents able to be efficient afield, added to multiple profound issues. It seems also important to describe the four principal international staffing issues that seem to be a numerous challenge in the sense that it will condition your whole international management dodge. The MNEs can choose to use an ethnocentric staffing olicy that refers to the strategy of employ key positions managers from the parent furnish sooner of employing topical anaesthetic staff. They will be use to transfer corporate gardening to the foreign entity and insure an effective parley with headquarters. Limits are the adaptation of expatriates and relations with HCNs. Second option is the polycentric policy that describes an approach of recruit ing HCNs to manage subsidiaries in their own country. So there are no language and cultural ramparts and its far less expansive. But it results a less effective communication with headquarters and then difficulties o coordinate activities. In the geocentric issue the best people are sought for key jobs throughout the organization, irrespective of nationality. It enables a multinational firm to develop a pool of senior(a) international managers but it is the most expansive option. To finish, in the regiocentric staffing policy, employees are transferred to positions in subsidiaries in other countries, but stay within the same domain (Mayrhofer and Brewster In Praise of Ethnocentricity). It permit to install a regional opposition to success but it can also lead to identification and place global objectives on a second cene. Today, most of the international companies choose to expatriate top managers in foreign subsidiaries to control them. But expatriation seems to be the biggest challenge that they get to deal with for the simple reason that it the first reason of failure. The principal value of expatriation is the quality of communication amongst PCNs and headquarters. PCNs dont have any enigma of language barrier with home country and actually know the home country top management. They understand their ideas, strategies and goals and by consequences can implement them faster. They also play a rule of knowledge ransfer and actually maintain a knowledge humble (laws, politics, cultures, languages) about the complexities of international operations (Downes and Thomas Knowledge Transfer). constraining to this knowledge transfer they serve a mission of corporate culture transmission. So they will implement the companys culture, its values, believes, mission and take over a certain management style. One big challenge of international staffing is also to overcome the lack of competent host country nationals because knowledge in special areas is needed a nd not directly available in some host countries. Erten-? Buch and Mattl ave studied the issue in 1999 and they highlighted the idea of tenseness of expatriation as a means to overcome the lack of qualified host country nationals lies in compensating a long-? term lack of a skilled workforce. Expatriation has to deal with lot of difficulties that turn it out in a big challenge for international staffing. It is a big target to insure the well understanding of local anesthetic business environment. It is also a big challenge to anchor the company in the local country by growth contacts and adjustment to local places, a kind of local emphasis. International staffing needs to face big ultural shocks. Expatriate managers arrive in a complete unknown environment it creates confusion, disorientation and a certain emotional upheaval. It is a big challenge to cross it fast and with success. Staffing abroad means also deal with woos issues. The most obvious problem for a company when send ing an expat abroad to be considered is the highly high represents involved. The challenge is to measure the interest between insure this cost or insure the less effectiveness you will get by reducing your cost and employ a HCN. Employing an expat in a veritable country for a certain period of time can cost p to four times as much as recruiting local staff and eight times as much in developing regions such as Asia Pacific. Failure rates are also a big challenge and a very important issue. Managers inability to adept, family related matters, lack of motivation are examples of failures. The rate of those universe recalled to the headquarters is between 20 and 50% (Brewster 1991s report). The major challenge of multinational and often missed by International Human Resources circumspection is the repatriation (Harvey, 1989). The professional transition into the home office cause a lot of difficulties that are most f the time neglected. It seems to be an unmeasured stage of internati onalization. In conclusion we could say that the biggest challenge is to choose an adapted strategy of internationalisation and find out the correspondent staffing issue. Expatriates seem to represent an extremely expansive but not always necessary investment. Telecommunications and travel have made the human resources function of matching up employers and employees much easier over the years. The hiring of top talents will it be enough to cover good headquarters relations and eliminate geographic distance challenges in the future? 2
Employee Performance Evaluation Essay
Do you take in any questions nearly what is expected of you on the job? Are in that location any areas that are unclear for you? be in the make out for more than than 13 age, I recollect I am performing healthy as a clinical Coordinator at _________________. I know well my primary duties not only to the doctors only to the patients as well. Patient flow is oneness of my main tasks. Therefore, doing it for more than a ecstasy has really helped me learn by liveliness the task that I am supposed and not supposed to do. Extended duties, in addition, add me with more skills development. Nonetheless, I still intrust that committing to my work as a clinician, to the doctors, and to the patients is my key to world competent to perform what is expected of me for this particular job. And I know I have worked hard for that.For me, the most unclear, and also lacking, is the lucre increase. I have been in this job for more than 13 years and my salary has been pretty a good deal the same. I love my job, that is why I always work hard for it, but taking into chooseation practicality, the amount of living has been constantly increasing and I know I have to keep up with that. It is quite disappointing that my co-employees and I are not getting fairly regular higher compensation grants.What do you consider to be your most important accomplishment in this review close?Being on the job itself and being able to practice what I love doing is one of the accomplishments that I have gained working here. Being able to be trained by passe-partouts and get me going to my long-term object of getting into Dental Hygiene program at this community college is a privileged appreciated for me. In addition, higher salary, maybe inasmuch as what I have received last year 2005, provides recognition for me as an employee for the decade or more that I have worked as a Clinical Coordinator.What areas would you like to make conk out on your performance and how do you plan to d o it? What can the doctors or other team members do to help you improve?I have realized the joy and hardship of working as a clinician. At the same time, I get eldesthand impressions of the cheer of the patients when they know that they are cured or allow for get better soon. This is one of the pleasures I get working here. That is why I indigence to be even more fruitful. However, of course, I, as well as my co-employees, regard to be recognized and get rightfully compensative for the dedication we tender as clinical workers. It has always been known that additional compensation always boosts employee morale and encourages them to work better and become more productive and useful.Please prove us about any special accomplishments or projects that you have snarled into to improve any aspect of the practice.As mentioned, I have been in the practice for over 13 years. More so I believe I have performed well enough indicated by being able to serve the same industry for more tha n a decade. As uttermost as I know, I have accomplished what is expected of my performance. Otherwise, I would not have lasted long.In addition, to be able to improve my skills, I practice well at work and really lay my heart into what I am doing. The doctors are continuously training me. And eventually, if given more recognition to pay costs for my schooling, I am planning to delve into a Dental Hygiene program sponsored by this community college to be able to enhance more my skills and become a more productive clinician.Other comments? When an employee violates the rules in the practice repetitively in every category, what execute do you take to make sure that the doctors get the respect they call for out of the employees?I believe one of my strengths is that I know well what I am doing and that I am confident of what I do as a clinical coordinator. As I have said, being on this job for a lot of years has put me in a position where I am assured of my capabilities, and my pote ntials.With regards to respect, I believe in the clich give respect to earn it. Doctors and employees alike, no matter who is the head of whom, deserves to be respected and properly treated. This involves complying with the proper and professional orders of the doctors, for the sake of their professional work. And the doctors in turn, give to the employees also high regard for the dedication they put on their works and give them rightful recognition.What are the areas that need advance?I think, training the new employees, especially the new ones must be given proper attention. It has always been good to start working with much needed meaningful experience. This will definitely improve the clinical employees skills and practice them even more making them knowledgeable and more experience when it comes to first hand practice and on the job training.Where do you see yourself in the next year and what steps would you like to take to get there?Probably a year from now, I would be takin g one or two classes a quarter, hopefully halfway done with pre-requisites. I will still be working fulltime and hopefully be a super treatment coordinator and become more trained and knowledgeable in diagnosing treatments.Two to three years from now, I hope to murder my pre-requisites and be able to prepare for dental hygiene examinations. But of course, I would not want to leave my work so I will still be working fulltime, probably 38 to 40 hours per week.And about five years from now, I may have completed by dental hygiene program having passed the examination.All these plans will help me not just boost my knowledge and skills, but also gain a higher degree of expertise about my chosen profession or career.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Case Study †Motivation Essay
IntroductionIn this brief introduction, advice for crowd on how to make a motion his twelvemonth 5 instructors entrust be framed by explaining the constitution of aspiration, the dimension of the finishing and how it should be hang. Secondly, suggestions of the selection of Year 5 instructor will be given. Furthermore, unhomogeneous ways of recogniseing the address proceeding will be suggested bandage evaluating the usance of pile during the academic form and the application of finish setting. In addition, unintended consequences of the stopping point setting methods will be discussed and follow by a conclusion. Nature of intent, Dimension of the aspiration and how it should be set Refers to Locke (1990 and 1996), polish is an prey or aim for an satisfy is the definition of refinement and it is something consciously want. Goal faeces be explained by internal and external factors , goals atomic number 18 thoughts with desired end internally and object or co nditions sought externally while a job to be complete is as known as task (Locke 1990 and 1996). In this case, the goal of James is to boost his initiate fairish result in NAPLAN raise (i.e. the 5 reporting sector ) at that placefore it is above the national average while the task is to select an appropriate instructor that is subject to amend the results of the 5 reporting factors. Dimension of goals put forward be divided field and intensity and they be not easily separated (Locke 1990). Goal guinea pig means the actual object sought and psychological goal that an man-to-man break (Locke 1990 and 1996). Content differs in qualitatively and quantitatively and head of specificity (Locke 1990). A positive relationship between goal difficulties and performance is founded, the harder the goal is, the divulge the strainment (Locke 1996).The second factor is intensity. Intensity refers to the depth of the goal, such as s carry on and integration of the goal setting proces s and the importance of the goal, etc (Locke1990). Goals can be set according to S.M.A.R.T. which means that goals must be specific, measurable, assignable, earthy and time-related (Rouillard 2003). A specific goal should be details enough to take down what is to be striked and accomplished, too general statement is insufficient to motive workers (Rouillard 2003).A goal should be measurable which is quantifiable and provide a standard for relation while indicate whether the goal is reached (Rouillard 2003). Thirdly, an attainable goal should be able to achievable while challenging, a goal with extreme low and elevated prognosis is insufficient to do (Rouillard 2003). Realistic goal means it is practical, accomplishable and achievable (Rouillard 2003). Time-related means to frame the goal with a given period, an out-dated goal has no effect on motivation (Rouillard 2003). In this case, James can set a goal like improve 75% of social class 5 students results with a grade impr ovement in the factors of reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and numeracy deep down one semester (6 months). Access of candidatesIn this case, the aim is to improve the students results at that placefore teacher effectiveness is the main consideration. Teacher effectiveness is a measure of teachers ability to produce an academic growth in a given context and situation (Stronge and Hindman 2006 and Bailey 2006). Various sectors are needed for evaluation. (i) intimacy/ dogma certificationRichard has the highest degree compare to others and Richard is passionate roughly upgrading himself to a high level. Moreover, Richard is familiar with the updated education syllabus as he has completed his bachelor degree few years ago. No specific tuition about Janices educational background is mentioned it is assumed she has the lowest degree among candidates. Although Janice had attended some teacher training, she is not familiar and ready about the updated educational ch anges and practices which makes her less competitive. Ivar has deep familiarity about psychology and honor high degree of reputation and he is a high achieving student which shows Ivar has adequate intelligence level. Refers to Mandeville and Liu cited in Campbell et al (2012), students who are taught by higher levels of teacher certification have agitate around thinking skills and performance than the degrade level of knowledge. From the above evaluation, Richard and Ivar are more knowledgeable. (ii) temperRichard is young, enthusiastic, active, ambitious and competitive Janice is mature, sociable with good personal skills, passionate but less active than Richard and Ivar is logical and rational but not good at communication. Personality is not suggested as a standard for selection as there is no direct relationship between personality and achievement of pupils (Borich cited in Campbell et al 2012 ). More factors should be considered. (iii)ExperienceRichard has few years of inform year 2 and 3 but lack of perplex on teaching year 5 and 6 Janice has the most experience among 3 of them and she has 5 years experience on Year 5. Comparing to others, Ivar has the least experience in teaching. Teaching experience is a valuable approach path however there is no direct relationship between experience and student achievement and teaching experience is only a predictor of student outcomes occasionally (Anderson and Doresett cited in Campbell et al 2012). More factors should be c at oncern. (iv) self efficacyA belief in ones capabilities to train and execute the course of action required to produce given acquisition is called self efficacy (Bandura cited in Campbell et al 2012). Richard and Ivar are very self- convinced(p) about teaching year 5 while Janice is less confident about her skills. It is suggested that students that taught by higher self efficacy perform purify on standardized test and teachers with low self-efficacy have lower expectation of s tudents (Moore and Esselman cited in Campbell et al 2012) . To improve the grade of NAPLAN, advancement of languages and maths are necessary and a teacher with higher self-efficacy is critical as there is positive relationship between self efficacy and the performance of languages and maths of the students (Anderson et al cited in Campbell et al 2012). From the perspective of goal setting theory, an individual with high self efficacy is more unforced to set and call for a harder goal while commit to the goals with effort (Locke 1996). Richard and Ivar are the better choice. After accessing the above criteria, Richard and Ivar are the better choice since both of them are highly educated and with high self efficacy but Richard is the take up choice. Ivar is not specialist in education which shows concern of insufficient knowledge of educational practices while Richard has a better educational knowledge. Refers to Darling-Hammond cited in Campbell et al (2012) , the strongest fore caster of relative achievement compared to others is teachers certification whence Richard will be a better choice based on the element of knowledge.Methods to issue goal achievementThe goal cannot be reached by one partys effort thereof Richard and students should be strengthenered. pecuniary rewards and non-financial rewards are suggested and James should integrate them as a complete reward process in order to work more effectively (Armstrong and Murlis 2007). (i) monetary rewardsMerit pay program can be used once Richard reaches the goal. Merit pay is a system that increases the base salary of the employee who achieves the objectives of the headache (Snell and Bohlander 2012). James should raise Richards salary with a range of 7 to 9% in order to be motivate (Snell and Bohlander 2012). Financial rewards have no significant in students achievement thus financial reward is more appropriate for teachers (Robin 2012). From individual aspect, the increased salary frees Richard to satisfy various needs, such as help his school fee for his prevail degree. Richard is competitive, while the financial reward is a tangible form of achievement perception that satisfies his needs of ego and self- actualization (Armstrong and Murlis 2007). For school, the financial rewards enhance motivation, Richard is more willing to stay in the school and this benefits the school from retaining talents to teach Year 5 students (Armstrong and Murlis 2007). (ii) Non financial rewardsNon financial rewards are more effective in need (Armstrong and Murlis 2007). James can reward Richard by providing identification, such as verbally reward with positive feedback, promotion and training and development. James can reward the students by praising the classes and providing extra-circular activities for students to relax and learn. Richard has his own mind in line of achievement progression, rewards such as promotion, allows him to reach his individual goal (to have a better career). If Richard is rewarded with training, more knowledge will be received and allow him to have a well preparation for his master degree. Non financial rewards shows recognition which reinforce Richards self esteem and self actualization. For the school, non financial rewards channel lasting motivation which maintains Richards motivation to work in the school and dedicate more effort for his teaching of Year 5 students. (Armstrong and Murlis 2007) The rewardsmotivate the Year 5 students to study hard in order to get a better result in NAPLAN. Jamess roleAccording to managerial competency poser by Quinn, several roles from the framework are selected for James in the application of this case. James is a director, he has to develop a vision and set a clear goal and objectives for his teachers moreover he has to organize and design the whole plan to achieve the goal (Quinn et al 2003). Secondly, James is a mentor, he has to communicate effectively and share his knowledge of NAPLAN with Ri chard to develop his ability in teaching Year 5 students (Quinn et al 2003). James has to think creatively as he may have to draft refreshing teaching strategies with Richard accordingly he has to live and mange the change and his role in this process is innovator (Quinn et al 2003). James is also a co-coordinator, new ideas may suggested by Richard and James has to manage the projects and across the functions to ensure the Richards works can convey smoothly (Quinn et al 2003).Finally, James is a monitor, performances of students should be reviewed regularly to reenforcement the process on track while teaching styles should be monitored, for example, James can be a guest teacher in Richards class to see how the class runs and provides feedback to Richard (Quinn et al 2003, Mitchell, Ortiz, and Mitchell 1987). Feedback causal agencys performance and motivation therefore feedback should be given frequently, James is able to check the progress of the goal while Richard is able to improve his limitations or retain his advantages (Latham 2007).Unintended consequencesHarder goals drive performance therefore James may set a harder goal for Richard and his year 5 students to achieve (Latham 2007). A harder goal is associated higher take a chance which may lead to worse performance compare to lower goals, for instance, a harsher teaching style is adopted by Richard but students may strikingness extra pressure and lost their motivation in learning (Latham 2007). Secondly, goal conflicts may happen, such as, the schools goal is vary from Richards individual goal which reduce the motivation and worsen the performance (Latham 2007). In order to reach the goal, James has to co-ordinate with other teachers with the class arrangement, this may lead to disagreement about the decision and conflicts between colleagues may result. With the new class arrangement, other classes need to adopt a newteacher or teaching style it influences the academic results and motivation. O thers teachers also need to cope with the new goal and assist Richard and principal in some points even they do not get any reward, it leads to the problem of unfairness and inequality. remnantTo conclude, goal and task are strongly linked and dimension of goal is divided into content and intensity. A successful goal should be set according to S.M.A.R.T. After evaluation, Richard is chosen as the teacher. James could motive Richard and students by financial and non financial rewards. Within the process, James has multiple roles as mention before to ensure the goal is achieved. However, unexpected results may happen therefore James should consider more theories application solve the problem and achieve synergy.Reference listArmstrong, M. and Murlis, H. 2007, Reward Management A Handbook of honorarium Strategy and Practice, 5th ed., Kogan Page Publishers, U.K. Bailey, K. 2006, Language Teacher Supervision A case Based Approach, Cambridge University Press, U.K. Campbell, J., Kyriaki des, L., Nuijis, D. and Robinson, W. 2012, Assessing Teacher Effectiveness Different Models, Routledge, Canada. Latham, G. 2007, Work Motivation. History.Theory.Research and Practice, kB Oaks, U.K. Locke, E. 1996, Motivation through conscious goal setting, Applied and antifertility Psychology, vol.5, pp. 117-124. Locke, E. and Latham, G. 1990, A theory of Goal setting and Task Performance, Prentice Hall, unsanded Jersey. Mitchell, D., Ortiz, F. and Mitchell, T. 1987, Work Orientation and Job Performance The Cultural Basis of Teaching Rewards and Incentives, Suny Press, U.S.A. Robin, G. 2012, Praise, Motivation, and the Child, Routledge, U.S.A. Rouillard,L. 2003, Goals and Goal Setting Achieving Measured Objectives, 3rd ed., Cengage Learning, U.S.A. Snell, S. and Bohlander,G. 2012, Managing Human Resources, Cengage Learning, U.S.A. Stronge, J. and Hindman, J. 2006, The Teacher fiber Index A Protocol for Teacher Selection, ASCD, U.S.A. Quinn, R.E., Faerman,S.R., Thompson,M.P. and McGrath,M. 2003, Becoming a master manager A competency framework, 3rd ed., Wiley, New York.
Are genetically modified foods safe to eat? Essay
Nowa long time, genetically circumscribed crops be planted worldwide. According to Human Genome Project, over 10 million farmers in 22 countries are put genetically limited crops on the fields. The native acreage has reached a quarter billion (2011).Apparently, genetically circumscribed nutritions progress to prominent benefits so that more(prenominal) and more people are planting them and eating them. contractableally modify plants are compe hug drugt to resist pests and authorized kinds of diseases as well as tolerant cold and drought because scientists hold out specific foreign genes into the plants. Therefore, world crop productivity increaseds by 25 percent by planting genetically modified crops.Specifically, Iin United States, later the crops were genetically modified, six kinds of crops were able to produce 4 billion pounds more compared to the past than forwards without having to increaseing any(prenominal) acreage for planting (Deal & Baird, 2003). As the ta sk of pabulum insufficiency is getting increasingly more and more serious, the visual aspect of genetically modified intellectual nourishments may successfully alleviate this crisis. Be boldnesss, scientists are able to add more or so nutrition in genetically modified foods. According to Lerner, genetically modified foods contain more and more nutrition.For example, S some(prenominal) intelligent fatty acids are added in tin good dealola oil. DHA omega-3, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health, is in genetically modified foods as well (2009). This article ordain prove that genetically modified foods are safe enough to eat in triplet different kinds of approaches logic approach, science certaintys approach, and reality evidences approach. First, logically speaking, genetic read seriousment technique is an improvement in the real world, and any applications of new techniques postulate a process from immaturitye to maturitye. For example, the development of the airpl ane went through a distribute of difficulty.An aviator Thomas E. Selfridge died because of the airplane crash accident in 1908. Things likewise happened to spaceships. On January 28, 1986, the Challenger exploded and killed all of the seven astronauts in it. afterwards these tragedies happened, no one said we should stop developing airplanes or spaceships. Genetic modification technique is as mature as airplane technique that has gone through one hundred years of modification ago and more mature than the thirty years old or spaceship developmenttechnique thirty years ago. Theis genetic modification technique is even safer because no devastating event has happened yet.Now that we accept astronauts getting into spaceships which are non one hundred percent safe, we push aside accept genetically modified foods which seem to be safe for now. In addition, the plants that exist in nature are not all good. Our ancestors tried and selected things that are edible to merciful muckle e at as foods, and planted the crops which produced foods. Farmers use treat nurture technology in order to get more productive crops. That is how seedless watermelon vines are created. According to the high school biology textbook, first, give a normal watermelon seedling colchicine, which is a chemical.The normal watermelon plant will become a tetraploid watermelon plant, which doubles its chromosome and has four sets of chromosomes. Then cross breed the tetraploid and a normal one. Their offspring is a triploid, which has three sets of chromosomes and the watermelon results in being seedlessdoes not have seeds. Genetic modification is just a more advanced technology to create productive crops that alike provide convenience. It means iIf people accept seedless watermelon, people can accept genetically modified foods. The second approach is scientific evidence approach.Ggenetically modified foods are the foods that have added by a foreign genes or genes on purpose. Scientists add those foreign genes into the original plants to make them have some good traits including disease resistance, pest resistance, cold tolerance and drought tolerance. However, these changes do not make any difference in their essence as foods. According to University of Guelph website, the concept of, substantial equivalence, means one kind of food can be seen as the other kind of food.After several(prenominal) tests, genetically modified foods are said to be substantial equivalent, heart that genetically modified foods is the same as other regular foods when apply as human foods (2013). Before a genetically modified food can get access to supermarkets, it must pass a building block bunch of tests. These tests involve protein level tests, which test whether the genes of the genetically modified plants can express any harmful protein, and individual level tests, which test whether animals run normally after eating this genetically modified food. Also, scientists analyze deoxyribon ucleic acid to detect whether the new added DNA sequence will cause any unintended effect (Kuiper, et al. 2001).Only if the genetically modified food has no(prenominal) of these problems, customers can find it in supermarkets. Maybe it sounds simple, but in fact, it is very(prenominal) complicated in practice. Take vivo testing as an example. Right before a genetically modified food comes into supermarkets, it has to pass vivo testing. First, they use mice to do animal tests for ninety days. If the tests show this genetically modified food can use as human food. Then they do the next several stages of tests. They use more and more human volunteers to do the tests for drawn-out and longer time. If any experiments fail, this food will never be human food (Fagan).Even if it passes all the tests, for some cases, it takes as long as ten years for it to be able to come into supermarkets. Last but not least, in reality, no evidence supports the point of view that genetically modified fo ods are harmful for human beings. People on the opposite side use failures of some laboratory experiments as arguments. However, those failed experiments are proved to be under questioning conditions. People who conduct the experiments forced the rats to eat lone(prenominal) one kind of genetically modified food for several days (Deal & Baird, 2003).Under this condition, those rats turning out unhealthy or died cannot prove anything. virtually genetically modified foods do cause allergy reaction, though. Transgenic soybeans, which contain the genes from an allergenic food, Brazil nut, cause allergy reactions. This event arouses heated discussion in public. However, the discussion is about whether producers should label genetically modified foods, but not whether genetically modified foods are safe or not. Still, America and atomic number 63 have forbidden using the gene from Brazil nut as a foreign gene in genetically modified foods. more than over, United Nation agencies are ke eping their eyes on these typetypes of events. at once they realize risks of allergies exist, they document the risks and notify the public to be careful (Food allergy 2001). This case shows that if any problem occurs, it is fixable. Therefore, the genetically modified foods that people can buy in the supermarkets are safe to eat. To sum up, genetically modified foods are safe to eat in all of the logical sense, scientific sense, and reality sense. Genetically modified foods are the results of advanced biology technology. scientific evidences prove that the modified foods are safe to eat make sealed of their safety.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Guidelines For Assignment
Define organizational civilization What Is meant by Organizational Culture? Characteristics of Organizational Culture ? unequivocal (good) and Negative (bad) Provide applicable examples Research can be do by referring to homogeneous explorees that were conducted previously. The sources of references can be obtained from books, Journals, magazines or newspapers. Related research materials such as graphs, charts or pictures can also be use to support a statement. Students are also encouraged to give their opinions and their birth understanding of the research topic.Provide examples of terminations from previous researches (done by another searcher) regarding topics that are similar or almost similar. relationship between Organizational Culture and the achiever or trial of an organization. Gather the information needed from books, magazines, newspapers or Journals relevant to the topic being discussed. From the gathered information, identify how elements of Organizational Cu lture preserve the success or failure of an organization. Provide examples. 1 State the outcome of the research based on the gathered Information.Relate between the theories learned with the unfeigned situation. Is It true Organizational Culture Is a factor that determines the success and failure of an organization? Yes or No Provide a conclusion from the boilers suit research and give your suggestions for the development of a better Organizational Culture to enhance the success of the organization. Format for preparing the assignment root Use white-bond musical note paper Paper size AAA (210 mm x 297 mm) Paper weight 80 MGM Method of typing The text should be typed on one side of the page only.For text black-colored ribbon or sign cartridge that produces an even black color. For diagrams, tables and charts black or colored ink. bound Spacing For text double-spacing For references (refer vii), appendices and tables single-spacing Font Times New papist Size 12 2 Margin L eft strand at least 4. 0 CM (1. 5) Top, bottom and right margin 2. 5 CM (1. 0) Section New major sections moldiness begin on a new page. A new split up essential begin with a tab from the left margin. V) Page counting Excerpts, references, appendices and tables a) In the text.If an excerpt is taken from a reference material, the reference must be stated. Ex Stoner and Yankee define strategy as, The considerable program for defining and achieving an organizations objectives the organizations retort to its environment over time. (Stoner and Yankee, 1986) b) List of References At the end of the assignments, all references or bibliography must be stated in alphabetical order gibe to the name of the author. BookName of author.
A Flea in Her Ear Essay
A Flea In Her Ear is a play written by the French dramatist Georges Feydeau. It tells the story of Victor Emmanuelle Chandebise, played by Nasri El-Sayeh, chairman of a elephantine insurance company, and his wife Raymonde, played by Stephanie Reed. The play is an excellent takeoff virtually misinterpretations, confusion and humour, which captures the hearing in style. Georges Feydeau was born in capital of France in 1862 and lived until 1921. This play is regarded as his best. It was written in 1907, and was known as Une Puce i lOreille. Although his plays were excellent, Feydeau started gambling in 1918 and contracted syphilis, slowly go down into madness, eventually dying and being buried in Paris. I am writing a review, analysing the mediums and elements of drama utilise in this production. The costumes had been chosen specifically from the National Theatre for this production. They were perfectly suited to the characters roles and added a touch of eloquence. For example, Stuart Onslow, playing the part of Romain Tournel, a notorious womanizer, is so excellently portrayed from the beginning.His suit is smart, yet not formal, and he is displayed as a somewhat arrogant fellow. His excellent acting added to this and he played a key role in the play. The female roles were wearing flamboyant, evocative costumes. The audience spontaneously st atomic number 18d when they were first seen, as they were over the top and stood out. The choice of unison and sound, from technical director Ben Sehovic was superb. A Flea In Her Ear is a human large-minded of drama that does not require a lot of music or sound, if any. Yet the small sound effects, added at certain intervals, added a large(p) deal of emphasis to the play.During the end of Act Two, a short region of jumpy, disjointed music was played. During this short period the cast moved about the stage, encapturing the moment, mimicking a Charlie Chaplin sketch. The play was set at the same height as the audie nce. in that respect was tiered seating, but the stage had not been raised. I in person felt that this was a fantastic idea, as it involved the audience more. To accommodate actors do in front of your eyes is ofttimes more important than to be staring up at them on a stage. There were some numbers on this set an archway, four different sets of doors and a charge of stairs.This was adamant for this farcical play, as the ludicrousness that is acted out is sharp and quick, thus exacting many exits and entrances. As one of the actors, or indeed as a subdivision of the audience, you have to be able to imagine that the outside space is real(a) in order to perform or understand the play to the best of your ability. For instance, in Act Two, when in the Hotel Coq dOr, The stage right exit door is a bathroom, as opposed to Act One, where it is a hallway. We need to believe that, in each scene, the space behind the door is what the actors set up it is.This increases our knowledge of the play, makes the recreate and identity tracking slightly less confusing. The set, chartered from The Royal National Theatre, was fabulous. I particularly liked the revolving bed in the hotel scene, and the French windows. I felt it added a touch of glamour to the Chadebises home. There were not a huge number of props used in this play. However, small matters, for instance Doctor Finache (Nathan Ireland) continuously had a stethoscope near his neck. Without anyone speaking, you could immediately see that he was playing the role of some kind of doctor.Small details like this, added to the play so well presented, make it something which was extremely enjoyable to watch. The pace of the play was one of the aspects that everyone was amazed by and indulged in. The interactions of the characters were short, quick and snappy. The language used was extremely witty and all part were spoken well, the accents used adding to the emotional performance. The actors were extremely confiden t in performing and this shone through. The only major criticism I have of this play is its length.I appreciate how hard it mustve been to take anything out, as without one thing you locoweednot have another. The first two acts went past in a flash, and because thither was no interval between the second and third acts, it was hard for many audience members particularly young children and the elderly to keep focused and bear in mind to each minute detail. The performance as a whole was superb. Nasris portrayal of Victor was excellent. His acting was top-notch. He had many quick and unmanageable costume changes, as well as having to remember when to use his classy voice and when not to.It was truly magnificent The social, cultural and historical guinea pig of the play very much relates to today. The farcical confusion, a mixture of good deal running in and out of the right and wrong rooms, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time is very much loved by people today. World f amous television shows such as Frasier, Friends and Only Fools and Horses are brilliant examples of this. One problem with the speed of the piece was that, not for me but others, it would have been a blunder of bafflement and perplexity.The John Lyon Schools production of Feydeaus A Flea In Her Ear was an outstanding performance. It really helped my understanding of the medium of drama. I stomach relate the movement to my own work, picking up new ideas as well as improving what I currently know. I can see how a few small props can on the whole enhance a piece of theatre, also seeing that space and levels are entirely needed to show a pieces luxuriant potential. Deborah Gibbs has created a masterful drama performance from a play which is composite and complex.
Friday, February 22, 2019
History, Architecture, and Significance of Islamic Mosques Essay
The Muslim mosque is a simple sacred place of idolize equivalent to the new(prenominal) religions places of latria desire the Catholic church. It is also considered as Allahs home on earth, which explains wherefore it is such a sacred place. Like its counterparts, the architectural invent of Islamic mosques is greatly signifi enduret to the practices of Islamic religion. The mosque has also become hotshot of the Islamic worlds nigh revered symbols. History of Islamic Mosques The Mosques appe atomic number 18d around the Arabian Peninsula when the Islamic religion had been established.The first mosques were not like the adepts that people can clear today. These were just simple open-air spaces wherein Muslims can worship Allah. Over the course of a thousand years or so, it gradually evolved to the familiar places of worship that people may often see today. As the Islamic religion progressed and expanded, so did the mosques. The Islamic armies which expanded into other territ ories also brought the mosques with them hence the mosque appe ard in incompatible parts of the Arabian Peninsula, northerly Africa, Eurasia, and about parts of India.Trade also brought these mosques in these parts of the world, including some islands from South East Asia. The Design of Mosques The Architecture of Mosques has been greatly influenced by the different Arabic states which expand their territories (e. g. Ottomans, Persians). They brought their cultural architectural designs with them upon conquering an area. This explains why a lot of old mosquesthe sensations that lasted throughout the Ancient and Middle Ages transmute in design, both interior and exterior.Even so, the general structure of mosques does not vary since every, if not most, mosque possess these important parts Minaret (tall slender towers), Domes, Prayer Hall, and Ablution Facilities. temporary mosques are exempted from this. The interior of the mosques would vary in design but most would loosely pos sess the following Iwan, Sahn, Gardens, Arabesque, and Calligraphy. The Importance of the Mosques Mosques are generally places of worship for the Islamic people, making them sacred. The violation of its sanctity would often result to agile executiona punishment fit for a grave crime.The mosque generally represents the house of Allah, their God, on earth Mosques are the houses of Allah and those believers who enter therein are the guests of Allah (Al Islam website, line 3). This shows how integral the mosque is for the Muslims. Since this is the house of Allah, it should be properly maintained and revered. This explains why Muslims would take off their shoes and wash their feet before entering the mosque. Those who are non-Muslims, especially pagans, cannot enter this sacred place simply because they follow a different set of beliefs.The mosque also has different functions besides serving as places of worship and prayer. One of these is various Ramadan events such as iftar dinners, in the evenings or after sunset. They would also invite the less fortunate members of the Muslim club in order to share their blessings with them. Symbol of the Islamic World The mosque has been one of Islams greatest symbols. An Islam town or city, in the middle ages, or a community, in the contemporary period, can be immediately identify by the sight of Islamic mosquessince they follow the same morphologic plan.Since the mosques are regarded as Allahs houses, they symbolize the core of Islam hence making them one of the most well-known symbols of the Islamic world. The religions long account statement has asserted this fact even further since most non-Muslims have determine these places in different mediums like history books, novels, and films. As the course of duration would take its toll on the architectural design of the mosque, the traditional structural scheme, which entails the mosque in possessing the four most important parts or structures, ashes the same.References Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. (1995). The Holy Prophet on the importance of mosques. Retrieved edge 30, 2009. Islam. com Inc. (2000). Mosques & its significance. Retrieved meet 30, 2009. World History Project. (2002). The Mosque as a Symbol of Islamic Civilization. Retrieved March 30, 2009.
Hiv And Aids Problem In Nigeria Health And Social Care Essay
Nigeria s communities are at gamble. The call down s population of more than(prenominal) than 140 one thousand thousand raft, stand foring wicked cultural and cultural assortedness, faces an human immunodeficiency virus epidemic that could easy whirl pop of control. Although the national HIV prevalence rate was cited at 4.4 % in NARHS 2005, this translated into more than 2.9 million people populating with the virus and in demand of services, and support, the 3rd highest vitiate for HIV in the universe.Nationally, the sero prevalence rates of 4.4 % in 2005 translated to over 2.9 million people populating with the virus. This located Nigeria as h out of dateing the 3rd greatest committal of people infected with HIV in the universe. Over the last twain decennaries, the HIV epidemic in Nigeria has gone from impacting scarcely a a couple of(prenominal) populations with higher-risk behaviours within a concentrated epidemic in a a couple of(prenominal) provinces, to a general ized epidemic in many provinces.Size of job, how many people infected, cardinal population affected, chief path of transmittalLike many other introduces in Africa, HIV is most prevailing among the most productive members of society ( come on 25-29 ) , with boyish big(a) females, in peculiar, affected. This in any case includes the energizeually active come on of which unprotected sex is the chief path of transmittal. The epidemic in any case had a disproportional impact on big females and misss in their generative old sequences, with 4.9 % of pregnant adult females age 25-29 infected followed by adult females age 20-24 with 4.7 % . More alarming, 3.6 % of adult females age 15-19 were infected incessantlyy bit mature suggestion early knowledgeable introduction.High and early birthrate among immature adult females across Nigeria s vast and diverse state, suggests that many more kids will besides be infected as a importee due to rear to child transmittal. Already, more t han 1.2 million kids were account to be infected in 2005. It was estimated that 75,780 impudently contagions would happen among kids less than15 in 2006, with the jut out of child-headed families increasing due to the decease of their parents. This indicates a greater demand to harmonise HIV within generative wellness services to make both adult females and work forces within the general population with more reactive household planning, HIV proving and comprehensive PPTCT services. It besidesthe demand to beef up holistic intercessions to protect vulnerable immature populations.Cultural/Social norms in your state and how they impact on the developing state of affairsThey include low destiny perceptual experience, septuple concurrent sexual spouses, in globe transactional and intergeneration sex, gender inequalities, mug and favoritism.Low bet on perceptual experienceThe NARHS 2005 showed that 67 % of Nigerians felt no hazard for HIV and merely 29 % perceived themselves to b e at hazard for HIV. fifty-fifty the IBBS S 2007 showed that MARPs did non perceive themselves as being personally at hazard for HIV, despite high HIV prevalence rates among FSWs, MSM and IDUs. Low hazard for HIV among Nigerians means that they are improbable to take calls for action to prognosticate HIV earnestly irrespective of high cognition about the virus.Multiple synchronal spouses among work forces and adult femalesUnderliing multiple coincident partnerships are cultural norms that pull ahead polygamous relationships, funnily among work forces. Common patterns of holding indoors and outdoors unify charwomans and social norms that assume all work forces are polygamous, hike up work forces to hold multiple spouse to show their maleness. Even among semiformal polygamous relationships, where there is presumed greater protection, work forces and adult females were reportedly non ever remaining within the relationship. Women within polygamous relationship in boorish c ountries were more likely to hold extra-marital personal businesss than among monogamously married adult females as a agency to economic security.Informal transactional and intergeneration sexThere is a great trade of causal agent that many adult females, peculiarly immature adult females, are interchanging sex for gifts, favors, and money outside of a whorehouse scene. Womans who engage in cosy transactional relationships are less likely to utilize good-for-naughts than adult females in formal commercial sex counters.Gender inequalities that influence hazard behavior and bound introduction to identify HIV and SRH servicesCultural norm in Nigeria, relegate adult females to a low-level function within matrimony and do it hard for adult females to negociate their proper(ip) to safe sex or refusal of sex. This is compounded by a important age difference between hubby and married woman, peculiarly in polygamous relationships, which farther makes it hard for immature adult females t o entree power in the relationship. Other cultural patterns including married woman heritage, traditional married woman sharing, early and forced matrimony, female Circumcision and sexual cleaning non merely increase adult females s hazard for infection exclusively besides farther undermine adult females s right to autonomy and self finding.Stigma and favoritismStigma related to HIV keeps many people from reacting tp beat, watchfulness and intervention intercessions for HIV. It prevents Nigerians from accessing HIV proving for fright of positive consequences, unwraping their Hiv position to their spouses, and role of bar of parent to child transmittal services, including safe eating of new born kids.How the cognition above might be used to foreshorten this job and cut down the spread of HIV/AIDSSee urban vs. agricultural differences in footings of entree to information, key services and literacy.Reduce reported multiple coincident spouses among all groupIncrease consistent and right rubber usage among all work forces and adult females who are sexually active, peculiarly among paid and insouciant spouses.Increase early STI sensing, intervention and patner presentment.Critically crumble cultural and gender values and beliefs that put work forces and adult females at hazard in their communities, and beef up male duty in generative wellness.Reduce reported stigma and favoritism among PLWHAReduce reported high hazard cultural patterns.Reinforce rights of PLWH to hold positive but safe sexual relationships.DecisionBecause of the enormous diverseness within Nigeria s population, it is pop off that as contrivers, we need to look carefully at informations within our provinces in doing strategic programs every bit good as acknowledge the diverse needs for be aftering our response. In such a dynamic environment, it is besides of import to see the drivers of Nigeria s epidemic to guarantee that programme contrivers bank check in melody with future alterations in the epidemic s growing.What is fire that there needs to be a co-ordinated, consonant response for bar attempts at all degrees to protect Nigeria s communities? There is untold that roll in the hay be done.The fact that 95 % of Nigerians still remain HIV lay off is a enormous chance for bar attempts in our communities. Not merely is our combined strength and committedness key to contending the spread of the epidemic, most of us can make a great trade to forestall ourselves from red infected and fro distributing it to others. It is already apparent that Nigerians communities, at all degrees, have do of import paces to turn to the epidemic.The freshly launched National Prevention Plan besides strategically topographic points bar attempts, and within that, behaviour alteration communication theory as a precedence country for all spouses and has done much work to construct national consensus on the manner frontward.
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